Zetsuai is a manga written by Minami Ozaki. First released in 1989, it has been serialized in Margaret. The prequel is titled Bad Blood and there is a sequel named Bronze: Zetsuai Since 1989.
Long ago, his mother had killed his father and had hurt him also; that may be the reason why Izumi Takuto, a soccer player in school, acts so "cold" to other people. He didn't want to trust anyone, or give his love to others, so he went to live on his own when he was adopted by another family. One may think that by now he would forget about the murdering incident in his life, but when he encountered someone in the street one dull rainy day... everything changed. The drunk happened to be the famous idol popstar named Koji Nanjo. Ever since their encounter in the street (or rather at Izumi's house), Koji had taken an interest in Izumi... his interest later became deeper than that... A feeling that may be known as "desperate love".
Izumi Takuto[]
Koji Nanjo[]
Wiki Link[]
- An overview article on the entire series Create the Zetsuai 1989 Wiki! for total coverage details!