Vassalord is a josei manga series written and illustrated by Nanae Chrono. It was serialized in Comic Blade Avarus from March 30, 2006 until its conclusion in February 15, 2013. The individual chapters were collected and published in 7 bound volumes by Mag Garden, with the first volume released on May 10, 2006 and the final volume released on March 15, 2013.
It is licensed for an English language release in North America by Tokyopop. The manga was licensed in French by Kami for the first two volumes, before Soleil Productions picked up the title and republished the series. The manga is also licensed in Germany by Tokyopop Germany, in Poland by Studio JG and in Taiwan by Tong Li Publishing. The manga series was adapted into a series of four drama CDs by Frontier Works. An anime OVA was also adapted from the manga by Production I.G, which was released with the last volume of the manga on March 15, 2013.
Charley, a cyborg vampire who does the Vatican's dirty work, is the thrall of the local vampire playboy Johnny Rayflo. As the two fight crime—and each other—hilarity, violence and sacrilege ensue! But can Charley resist his own desperate cravings for blood? Find out as the devilish duo go up against a childlike vampire princess, a mysterious branch of the Unitarian Church...and one another.
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