Takumi-kun Series is a novel series written by Shinobu Gotoh. It has been adapted into drama cassettes and drama CDs. There have manga adaptions of the various books. It is written by Shinobu Gotou and illustrated by Kazumi Ooya, then was released in 2001.
Far away from the city, deep within the mountains, sits the all-boys high school Shidou Academy. In years past, this school housed only the sons of the most elite families in the country, but these days it welcomes all into its historic halls.
Volume 1: Takumi, a boy from humble origins, prepares to begin his second year at the school. Held back by psychological issues, Takumi's indifferent attitude has garnered him no friends and a reputation as a cold fish. Then along comes Gui, a wealthy and charismatic student born in America. Gui is the only person who doesn't see Takumi as odd, and the two become friends. But how will the two cope when Gui confesses his love to Takumi? And can the couple survive the revelation of the secret behind the psychological problems that plague Takumi? (Source: Blu)
Series: タクミくんシリーズ Based on novels by Shinobu Gotoh. 1. June Pride [6月の自尊心] (2/2001) 2. Hadashi no Waltz (Barefoot Waltz) [裸足のワルツ] (2/2002) 3. Kisetsu Hazure no Kaidan (Tales out of Season) [季節はずれのカイダン] (12/2003) 4. Bibou no Detail [美貌のディテイル] (12/2004) 5. Jealousy (12/2005) 6. Hanachiru Yoru ni Kimi wo Omoeba [花散る夜にきみを想えば] (12/2006) 7, 8. Pure (2 vols.) (12/2007, 12/2008)
Wiki Link[]
- An overview article on the entire series, Create the Takumi-kun Series Wiki! for total coverage details!