Pregnant In Boy's School is a completed manga with thirty-five chapters across five volumes being written and illustrated by Wataru Masumi. First released in 2017, it has been published by Zettai Ryouiki R!. A Drama CD covering the first six chapters of Volume one was released in 2018. In a world where males can emit pheromones, Ikumi attempts to navigate his relationship with his childhood friend, Chiharu whilst he differentiates between pheromone induced lust and actual love that he has developed.
"Bear my child." Even though I hate it, my body reacts to the feel of his finger inside... Even my childhood friend is driven wild by my "pregmen" pheromones…
Intervening after a student is being hassled, Ikumi questions whether the students are really men. In response to being told not to get in their way Ikumi, kicks one of the bullies. Not interested in being with a pregman, Ikumi has never told anybody that he is one himself and never wants to get pregnant. His body feels heavy every month and also feels fatigued. Ikumi was annoyed at Chiharu for saying that he should bear his child and thinks it will be bad if he tells anyone. Shouting that he does not need Chiharu's help, later however Ikumi behaves as normal when reminding him that they have P.E next. Ikumi replies it is not like he has forgiven Chiharu, but they have known each other for a long time. He also holds his own body constitution at fault for releasing pheromones. With this Ikumi would again blame his status as a pregman for changing Chiharu. Attempting to make Chiharu feel better, Ikumi thinks he himself is way too soft. One of his hobbies was karate which he stopped because it got tedious. He confronts Chiharu on understanding his feelings and whether he could imagine the shock to suddenly learn he could get pregnant as Ikumi did.
(CV: Kento Ito)
Deeming Ikumi kind for helping a student, Chiharu is knowledgeable about world events. Going to check on Ikumi in the restroom, Chiharu is shocked to overhear that Ikumi may be a pregman. On the train Chiharu questions whether a passenger knows that sex crimes are equivalent to murder to get him away from Ikumi. He does that and asks if Ikumi is okay since he wants him to bear his child. With the pheromones gone Chiharu says he is worried about Ikumi, and whilst he was surprised, Chiharu states he will not tell anyone, that Ikumi is his precious childhood friend. He gives the excuse that Ikumi seems anemic when taking him to the infirmary. Although his desire to care for Ikumi is genuine, the pregman pheromones really are a problem. With them released by others, Chiharu assumed pregman were instigating acts. When jealous that Ikumi is around Noato he bitterly states that Ikumi is enticing every passing guy, not caring who it is as long as it is a guy. Chiharu immediately re-evaluates his views once he hears Ikumi's perspective and shock at his own situation. If he knew he was suffering, Chiharu says he would have helped him.
(CV: Sho Nogami)
Naoto Shibata[]
He is in the same class as Ikumi and was passing along a message to other members of his club when he accidentally bumped into him. Naoto compliments Ikumi's wristband then apologizes if he acted too familiar. Whilst he sees Ikumi as a friend he too is affected by the pheromones and kisses him, before he is kicked by Chiharu.
(CV: Shinei Ueki)
A student who is brought to the doctor since he has sprained his ankle.
(CV: Teppei Ueei)
he is an incredably difficult person to deal with, as his snarky, sexual and possessive attitude is usualy something he doesnt handle. Leon has a nack for Sex with any man, in Rut he can control himself by subbmitting to his desires and not resisting, unlike Ikumi.
Story Introduction[]
After Ikumi helps a student, he is found by Chiharu. There are those who are a "pregman", years ago a high-fatality infectious disease affecting only woman spread across the world. Accordingly, with an ever-decreasing world population, every country put in action the project of allowing part of the male population the capability to become pregnant. If pregmen have erotic thoughts during rut period, they emit pheromones which arouse men unconditionally.
Chiharu overhears Ikumi speaking out loud and learns he is a pregman. At a later day Ikumi takes the train where the first increase in population rate has been reported. Chiharu is also there to protect Ikumi from a passenger, yet also touches him when they are on their own. In science class Chiharu observes that the pheromones are being emitted and takes Ikumi to the infirmary before others notice. Similarly, this is simultaneously done to help him but also have Ikumi to himself.
Ikumi tries to remain friends yet tells Chiharu to briefly keep his distance. Seen with Naoto, Chiharu becomes jealous but hears Ikumi's concerns that within this past month he may not see him as a friend. Ikumi voices that Chiharu would only have thought of him as a toy he could easily get his hands on. Having known him a long time, and with the period over, Chiharu states he is sorry, and that he loves Ikumi whether the is a pregman or not.
Pregnant in Boy's School Images[]
Wiki Link[]
- An overview article on the entire series, create the Pregnant In Boy's School Wiki for total coverage details!