Mask Danshi wa Koishitakunai noni is an ongoing web comic written and illustrated by Mitsuru Sangou. Originally released on the author's pixiv and Twitter account on June 23, 2019, it was officially serialized as a manga in 2020 in B-BOY P!.
Two Drama CDs have been released each covering their respective volumes.
An OVA was announced and scheduled to be released in 2023.
The famous cheerful guy, Saikawa had tried to rip off the gloomy kid, Sayama's mask. After that day, he had captured Saikawa's attention and Saikawa had volunteered to teach him for the upcoming examination but with one condition, Saikawa can do whatever he wants with what is hiding under Sayama's mask. He hates it when people touch his bare face, lips and inside his mouth, but he cannot say anything when Saikawa touches them. With the combination between Saikawa's harassment and the awkward mask boy's behavior, this manga will be packed with sexual tension between these two.
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- An overview article on the entire series Create the Mask Danshi wa Koishitakunai noni Wiki! for total coverage details!