Maou Evelogia ni Mi wo Sasage yo is an ongoing manga written and illustrated by Io Kaziwara. Launched on the ComicFesta and Mecha Comic digital services in Japan, it has then been published by BL Screamo in addition by WWWave as Reincarnated Into Demon King Evelogia's World. Suiseisha published the first volume of the manga on February 18, 2021. The volume's special edition includes a drama CD. Volume 2 was released on October 18, 2021.
An anime by AnimeFesta was announced on February 15, 2021, that was produced by Studio Hokiboshi, released on October 1, 2021, and finished airing on November 26, 2021. Finding himself in a world from a game he played, an assassin hired to kill the demon king loves him instead and intends to help him prevail against the hero who will vanquish him at the end.
"Good, make me your owner." The strongest couple to conquer the other world appears!?
Toshiaki Ushito (commonly known as Gozu) is a socially stray person. One day he is shot dead and wakes up-wait what? He was reincarnated in a game world! Moreover, in front of him is the figure of that game's Last Boss, Demon King Ibrogia, who had been longing for a long time! He who was still young before awakening was trembling with loneliness.
"I fell in love with you... I'm dying to start courtship!?"
The lonely demon king x demon king who is on the verge of darkness, the world conquest love of such a terrible man, begins now!
An aimless young man named Toshiaki Gozu is killed on page 3 and resurrected as a background character in a game world he has been playing. Gozu encounters the Demon King Evelogia, the game's last boss whom Gozu has adored since he was little. Gozu begins to woo Evelogia by admitting, "I fell in love with you." Together, they aim to conquer the world.
Called Eve, also written as Ibrogia, is a young man serving as the Demon King in his world. Eve joins his parents, having seen a strange man come in when he was looking through the window, and makes his way with Gozu to a village as per his parent's direction. His power can be emitted when he feels under perceived duress. Emotional, Eve apologizes to Gozu for earlier and explains that he is really bad at restraining his power. After sharing his concerns, Eve asks if Gozu is going to kill him here, having guessed the situation. Eve is startled to hear that he is the demon king who will bring the world to ruin. Acting out of concern for strangers, Eve calmly appeals to the sacrificial bride for them to go back since she will really die if she stays around some poisonous plants. Angered at a dragon, Eve addresses it as a fly that is going to fall, and his power can be achieved by having it slam into the ground. With Gozu considering the possibility of meatheads like Makidy falling for Eve, he regards this as a mean thing to say since Eve sees it as Gozu saying he wants him to fall for other people or have them like him. At the festival on the plaza, Eve was excited, having never been to such an event before. Dancing, Eve speaks about how it is a nice town and the people are, too. He did not care what the people were saying, and with Gozu trembling, Eve took his hand.
Character Article: Evelogia[]
Gozu Toshiaki[]
Having been shot, Gozu awakened in a world that is the same as a game he played as a child. Early on, Gozu hated heroes who said things like "for the world" and "for the people." Gozu also disliked how they forced such a view onto the world. As a child, he was more intrigued by the demon king's strength. Absorbing his new surroundings, Gozu wonders what is with his clothes and how he should have died before thinking further about whether this world was a dream. Happy to see Eve, despite the marked difference in his appearance and mannerisms, Goku regards him as the same demon king, the last boss from his game as a kid. Thrilled that there is no doubt that Eve is that game's last boss, Gozu remembers Eve killing the man who was after his head and finds it amazingly refreshing. Realizing that he acted to defend Eve because of a magical charm placed on him, Gozu tells Eve to kill him since that is what he intended. Rather than murder Eve as tasked, Goku labels Eve's father a pig and kicks him backward. Confirming that Eve is the demon king, Gozu says he needs to explain it all to him and does so. Goku uses what he knows of the world to prevent the hero from killing Eve whilst being besotted with the only person he has ever felt a connection to.
Character Article: Gozu Toshiaki[]
Evelogia's Father[]
His father reminds Gozu that he is to kill their son. Demanding to know what Eve is doing, having joined them, his father shouts at him not to leave his room without permission. Eve's father introduces Gozu as someone who is going to keep an eye on Eve's overly powerful magic and protect him. Entering the room without knocking and seeing Gozu on top of Eve, he shouts about what Eve is doing. Kicked backward by Gozu, he regards him as a manipulated puppet, and they cannot save the village like this. He views his son as a huge power with an uncontrollable will of its own, where he is nothing but a threat waiting to turn against them at any moment. Even if they have to bear the dishonor of killing a child, for the world Eve's father vows that his son has to die. He draws a sword against Gozu.
Evelogia's Mother[]
Eve's mother asks whether Gozu is all right, and they both see him as one of those elite assassins Drophonia sent over. With Eve having used his power again, his mother deems it frightening. Eve's mother instructs him to go and get the shopping done in the next village over. Seeing Eve and Gozu being intimate, she asserts that this kid is not normal and is a monster. As with Eve's father, they were both afraid of Eve's power and succumbed to the pressures that villagers placed on them to murder their child.
Carriage Driver[]
As this elderly man transports Eve and Gozu, he picks up on the "last boss" mentioned and then states that Gozu should not threaten the young boy even though he is the one unintentionally zapped. Calling for them to give it a rest, he agreed to let them ride in the back since they said they would guard it for him. At the time, with Gozu leaping on with Eve on his shoulder, he asked them not to start doing strange things in front of his goods. Grateful for their presence since even the giant ferocious crows are shrinking away, the carriage driver comments that Eve must be quite the strong mage. Telling them to get a room, the man is startled at Gozu sharing his irritation at being sexless that he backtracked and said he could not bear to be killed over something like that. Registering that the sacrificial bride called him the lord demon king, he infers the village she is from has humans who practice that satanic faith. The people there are said to show their gratitude and loyalty to the lord demon king by sending a young woman every few years as a bridal sacrifice.
A village maiden who is prepared as a sacrificial bride. Spacing out whilst she was walking, this woman did not realize a carriage was nearby. Whilst she aggressively asks if Gozu wants to go after being called clumsy, she thanks Eve for the bandage placed on her leg and states he is sweet. She remarks how Eve's hair and eye color are pretty strange and that he looks just like the demon king. In her village, the demon king is said to have hair as white as snow and eyes as red as blood. Hearing about it made it sound scary, but looking at Eve, she does not think that so much now. She adds that if the demon king is this cute, then maybe she could become his bride. Able to walk, she thanks them and bids them goodbye. Saying it is fine to kneel amongst death-inducing flowers, the woman tells Eve she is waiting here for the demon king since it is her duty. Surprised at what Gozu knows about her village, she cannot run away since if that angers the demon king, then the village will continue to suffer. They all raised her, hugged her, and said they would love her forever as they cried. Sending her off is her reason for such a position. Swayed by Gozu's words, she asks what he is telling her to do instead; she cannot do anything on her own. Taking Eve's guidance to leave, she runs back to the carriage, cursing this world and deciding to take off those ridiculous bangs before she jump-kicks a giant crow away. As she uses a shovel to strike a crow up towards the sun, she refuses to be with Eve, who is described as a moody guy with an aroma fetish. If they live through this, she asks the merchant to let her assist him. She will bring in clients, carry things, whatever he wants.
One of the hero's companions, Makidy, is a fighter who, instead of using a sword or magic, beats down monsters with just his bare fists. The game has him as a man who was overconfident in his power and drowned in his victories. Within the village that was saved from a dragon by Eve and Gozu he enters the tavern and asks the latter if he is the rumored magician. Without waiting for an answer, Makidy asks how dare Gozu get in the way of him taking the dragon down when he had been chasing it. In the game, Makidy is defeated by the dragon monster that attacked his hometown. He shouts to the tavern owner that he won today, falsely stating that he was the one who took the dragon down. Feeling taunted by Gozu he moves to punch him before being blown back by Eve's power. Seeing him, Makidy is on his knees as he takes Eve's hand and tells him he is so cute. After he is kicked back, Makidy is surprised to hear that who he calls the delicate flower Eve is a man, but he still likes him anyway. In the game, after the town was destroyed by the dragon, Makidy was invited to travel with the hero to protect others and the world. Describing himself as a little hot-blooded, Makidy does come to apologize to Eve, then adds that it is hard for him to admit his defeat. His gratitude is sincere as Makidy says, and that it is thanks to Eve and Gozu for why everyone is safe today.
Gozu Toshiaki favored the demon king Evelogia in the game that he played. By the time he is an adult, Gozu is fearless at ransacking a room and then having a gun placed to his chest. He goads the man into shooting him and then is conscious in a new area with other people around him. A man nearby asks what Gozu is spacing out for and whether he heard that today is the day they are moving forward on the plan. Eve's father and mother have hired Goku to murder their son Eve. He arrives and strikes away Gozu, who is overly happy to recognize him.[1]
Eve's father says that starting today, Gozu will protect Eve. Gozu is familiar with the line, having read it in his game. Walking together, Eve moves to the matter of Gozu killing him, having guessed that scenario. In anger at his circumstances, Eve blasts Gozu with fire.[2] Focusing on what the demon king does in his future Gozu ignores the fire and expresses his love for Eve. After he fends off an assassin Gozu professes his commitment to Eve for him to reveal that he used magic on him for that effect. However, he observes that Gozu protected him without the order to do so. Gozu comes over feeling dizzy, yet Eve resolves to help him.[3]
At his residence, Eve searches for information in books. Without knowledge of healing magic and with no holy water found in this area, Eve uses his bodily fluids to save Gozu. The spell is broken when Gozu has a certain type of bodily fluid in mind[4]. Gozu is set on dying by Eve's hand and drily calls him horrible for not granting that wish. As Eve is intimate with Gozu his parents enter the room.[5] Eve's father is kicked out by Gozu after Eve is insulted, but he is acting out of fear of his son's power, a dread that the village shares. As parents, they did their best to bring up and love the baby they found, but it turned out to be a monster. Gozu rejects that, and Eve breaks his father's sword when he attacks. Eve is blamed by nearby townspeople after the resulting explosion of a house. They begin throwing rocks at Eve, so Gozu picks him up and takes him away.[6]
Having boarded a wagon, Eve speaks with Gozu about how they are probably around a location he sees on the map. Eve is generating static electricity, which Gozu is zapped by. The carriage driver tries to calm the ruckus as they notice a crow fly overhead. Unsure of how many events will follow the game, Gozu means that they should head for the central area first. Eve addresses what Gozu knows and details further future events. Gozu wants Eve to defeat the hero, who is someone who sees nothing wrong with killing him.[7]
After recalling his time as a child when he was not permitted to play games, Gozu reflects on how a mob assassin traveling with the demon king was absolutely not in the game. The desire to be intimate is cut short since Eve wants to cherish Gozu and because the elderly man is there.[8] The horse panics at the sight of a woman, and seeing that she is now unconscious, they wonder if there is a hospital with a doctor who can use resuscitation magic before her soul is returned to the goddess. She is conscious, and as her leg is bandaged, she comments that Eve looks like the demon king before she is on her way. The carriage driver feels her village contains people who believe that humans are an existence filled with deep sin. They are allowed to live in peace from the moment they are born and only when the lord demon king goes to destroy them. Shocked at this, Eve cannot just leave her, so she follows him into the forest with Gozu joining him.[9]
Finding her at a clearing, Eve warns Gozu to stay back since the plants growing here are poisonous. The woman accepts her fate since suffering will befall her village if she leaves and angers the demon king. Gozu explains the background of the village and his past of selling himself to get out of a situation he had no control over.[10] Eve is against taking the woman as a bride even though that is what happens in the game since he has Gozu. Angered, Eve asks what he is supposed to do when Gozu, his fiancé, allows him to cheat. Eve gives the woman a chance to leave him with Gozu.[11] Doing so, she runs back to the carriage driver and departs with him. Eve is upset by the things Gozu said about taking another wife before being intimate with him. Regarding his power, Eve feels he cannot be himself in the world but can forget about that with Gozu with him. While Gozu entertains and enjoys Eve's anger, Eve replies that it is Gozu who needs to be gentle with a first-timer.[12]
With Eve and Gozu walking from here on out, they come across a town. It is not the one Gozu was aiming for, which has some huge ruins nearby. A jewel acquired from there before the hero might allow Eve to win. Eve's magic has allowed them to sleep comfortably from the wind and rain. A dragon flies overhead, and Eve and Gozu see that it is about to attack the town. Eve effortlessly brings it to the ground. Villagers gather around the inn, where Eve and Gozu are thanked as saviors, telling them to come to the town square tonight. Women remark how Eve looks cute and like a bunny. Gozu overhears people discussing whether Eve is someone who has gone on a journey and is exterminating magical beasts. With the person they are thinking of having blond hair and blue eyes, Gozu asks them what they are talking about before expressing familiarity with who enters the inn.[13] Makidy is angered at the mage who defeated the dragon and asserts the Gozu that he himself defeated the monster. Gozu kicks Makidy away when he speaks to Eve under the impression that he is a woman.
In their room, as Gozu towels Eve's hair, he speaks about how Makidy is not that honorable. They discuss others falling for Eve and how the future is changing from the game story.[14] Within their room, Eve is self-conscious about his body, so Gozu assures him[15] and they continue being intimate where Eve can employ the use of magic as well for Gozu's benefit.[16] Gozu is keen to allow Makidy in the room when he knocks and continues his romp with Eve in front of him. For the festival on the plaza, Makidy says there have always been a lot of monsters here, which is why they keep the lights on during it, where everyone gets together to sing and dance. When Makidy goes to speak to someone, Eve asks and hears Gozu was not summoned to this world rather, he died in his last one and was here when he opened his eyes.[17] As Eve brings up how Gozu knows a lot about him Eve says how much he likes him. Gozu recollects how he punched his father and ran away from home, where Eve was the only one who ever inspired him. Moving from a tender moment, Gozu tells Eve to watch him beat drunken bar patrons.[18]
Eve is in awe of the festival, and Gozu remarks that the town is pretty carefree. Makidy says this is because the dragon was dealt with, and he apologizes to Eve and Gozu for his previous behavior. As Gozu takes Eve to dance, they are invited to stay in the town since outside, there are rumors about the demon king awakening.[19] Monsters have purported to have become more violent, and it has been heard that the Eastern Forest was wiped out overnight which is something humans could not do. The townspeople feel better that Makidy would stay if Eve and Gozu had to depart and that their prayers to the Goddess had rewarded them with the heroes coming here, to begin with. Afterward, Eve explains why he did not intervene when the humans were speaking ill of the demon king.[20] Where before Eve did feel the urge to destroy the world after falling for Gozu he became more important than what they were saying. Eve is willing to use violence himself, and he does not want Gozu to murder anyone.[21]
Anime Production[]
News that the anime was being made was announced on February 15, 2021. The voice cast and staff details were released on August 4, 2021. The theme song was revealed in videos on September 15, 2021. The anime premiered on AnimeFesta, in addition to other streaming services, and on Tokyo MX on October 1, 2021. It was also released on BS11 on October 3, 2021. There is an "on-air version" and a more explicit "premium version" of the anime, which share the same cast.
Staff and Cast[]
Japanese Cast[]
- Eve/Evelogia: Shun Horie
- Gozu: Takuya Satō
- Tishia: Hitomi Nabatame
- Makidy: Hiroki Yasumoto
- Yakuza member: Daisuke Kageura
- Eve's father: Masahiro Okazaki
- Eve's mother: Noriko Fujimoto
- Boy #1: Arashi Hirakawa
Japanese Staff[]
- Director: Sanae Nagi
- Script:
- Eeyo Kurosaki
- Sanae Nagi
- Character Design: Yōko Iwakura
- Chief Animation Director:
- Hisashi Nakamoto
- Yōko Iwakura
- Color Key Artist: Ami Hoshino
- Art Designer: Ayumi Aso (Makaria)
- Art Director: Momoko Satō
- Compositing Director of Photography: Takashi Yanagida
- Editing: Kōki Shinkai
- Director of Sound: Ayako Misawa
Japanese Companies[]
- Animation Production: Studio Hōkiboshi
- Background Art: Makaria
- Production: Suiseisha
- Sound Production: BlackFlag
Reincarnated Into Demon King Evelogia's World Wiki[]
- An overview article on the entire series, create the Reincarnated Into Demon King Evelogia's World wiki for total coverage details!