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Lee Wooyeon is a character from Love History Caused by Willful Negligence, a novel by Space Rabbit, in addition to the manhwa adaption by Gjnoel. A very popular actor with no detractors, Wooyeon keeps an unflattering side that would not look good to himself successfully concealed.

Being exceptionally pleasant is used as part of a tactic to have multiple managers quit when he has them see they made mistakes, and so doubt their own suitability for their managerial role. Although he has an inclination that his new manager Choi Inseop may just be saying he is his fan, Wooyeon is positively intrigued by him all the same.

It is not Wooyeon's recent past conduct that makes him a target though where he regards it as fun guiding his managers' to quit, with no guilt on his part, neither is a past engagement where he hit a fan which resulted in a change in his nice temperament. Instead, it is prior actions to those that he has left in the past without a second thought as to why his supposed true personality would be sought to be revealed by Inseop, who Wooyeon is growing affectionate for.


Wooyeon with blood on him - Love History Caused by Willful Negligence

Bloodying a drunk man who threw a drink over him, and ensuring he would not be compromised

At the start of his career, Wooyeon was not sure how he is going to live once his celebrity life is over and was still thinking about what to do next. In response to a drunk fan, Wooyeon remained calm and civil, even poured him a drink when he demands one, yet has it thrown over him. Overcoming the shock, Wooyeon told others he was with, including president Kim HakSeung that he is alright while remaining his pleasant self. Intending to go and wash his face, at seeing the man who was rude to him laughing, Wooyeon beats him bloody. Saying for his acquaintances to relax, Wooyeon explained he checked and there was not any CCTV around. Sure that the person did not see him since he hit him from behind, they also will not be able to find any finger-prints. Asking if they have any questions, Wooyeon then adds for them to please throw the cloth he used away.

Recognizing Historia de un Amor, he thinks how it is his favortie song. Acquainted with a woman named Jun Sumi, he regards her as this crazy woman. Feeling that the script writer Lee, and the production manager Kim Po are fine, Wooyeon is also familiar with them to the point where it factors into his decision for choosing a project. Last year, Wooyeon changed managers around five times, and this year there are further rumors he switched them out as many times.


Wooyeon aggravated - Love History Caused by Willful Negligence

Always civil and pleasant, even when irked on the rare occasion that happens

Judging Inseop's skills behind the wheel to be quite impressive, Wooyeon feels it will be hard to nitpick his driving. Commenting Inseop is not only adaptable, he is quick witted and diligent, with everything that would make him likeable. Noting he knew everything, from his favorite food, Wooyeon both thinks and speaks his praise. Telling Inseop is it not his fault a shoot has been rescheduled, Wooyeon says for him to come in. Stating for him to sit down while he waits, Wooyeon offers him a drink. Seeing Inseop check his CD collection, which line many shelves, Wooyeon says if there is something that catches his attention he can lend it to him.

Questioning whether Inseop means what he said, on being a fan of his, Wooyeon asks now that he gets to see him up close, what does he think. Wooyeon mentions how a lot of people get disappointed when they see him in person. Greeting a crowd of cheering fans, when Inseop endures a drink hurled at him by Sumi, he is more worried for Inseop who stood in the way than himself. Feeling burdened that Inseop ended up like that because of him, Wooyeon states a manager is a person who only needs to offer assistance and is not a servant. Acknowledging that as his manager Inseop was tactful enough to back down whenever it seemed like he was not in a good mood, Wooyeon finds everything about him perfect. Too perfect to the point that it ruined his mood, where Wooyeon would have doubts whether it was genuine.

Similarly insightful, Wooyeon questions whether Kim believes what was said about them being sent the script first, before chuckling he is surprisingly naive. In an interview, Wooyeon is questioned whether there is a special reason for the high turnaround of managers. Replying that they resigned on their own accord, due to personal reasons, Wooyeon hears the suggestion that it is way too frequent and usually for celebrities that have a good image like him, it is normal for them to not change their manager all the time. Smiling warmly, inwardly Wooyeon can see what the reporter is trying to do. Suspecting that she is trying to make him slip to make a front page article and exaggerate the story, Wooyeon simply speaks how he guesses he must be an exception. Asked directly whether managers quit because be bullies them daily, Wooyeon states he has his flaws. Fuming inside, Wooyeon snaps where he thinks at times like this, if only someone died he could use that as an excuse and leave.


Wooyeon speaks with Inseop - Love History Caused by Willful Negligence

Intrigued by his new particularly effective manager Inseop

Feeling the limit to someone working with him is three months, Wooyeon reacts to hearing Inseop is a big fan of his, and further when messaged by him. For this new manager, Wooyeon thinks it is okay to change him at the right time. Checking Inseop's resume, Wooyeon speaks with Kim whether it is not natural for him to be curious about who he is working with. For Inseop's resume, Wooyeon feels it is a waste he is only working as a manager like this.

Presented scripts, yet thinking Kim would decide, with new ones arriving, Wooyeon is asked which one he would like. Requesting the role of an antagonist, Wooyeon feels if he keeps playing the good guy his image will become boring. Suggesting a serial killer, Wooyeon thinks that will be fun as he is envisioned with a chainsaw. A psychopath killer who turns crazy after falling in love is another idea. With Kim insisting he choose from the selection, Wooyeon opts for a historical drama where he considers they would get a good public reaction too, and takes the script home to read.

Pleased to see Inseob enter the premises while taking part in an interview, Wooyeon places his hand around him and says he will treat him to coffee, then requests cakes be packed too. Using the signature machine, Wooyeon writes "call me" for Inseop to see. Answering the call, Wooyeon tells the reporter that an acquaintance's father has just passed away as an excuse to leave. Thanking Inseop after, Wooyeon says he got through the interview alive thanks to him, and he was in a really tight position. Fine with Inseop mentioning it was just a coincidence, Wooyeon asks if he is free tonight.



  1. Wooyeon's age of 27 is mentioned on a profile concerning him after chapter 3