Kyojinzoku no Hanayome is a manga written and illustrated by ITKZ and published by Suiseisha. It has been published digitally in English as The Titan's Bride by WWWave Corporation through Coolmic. It has been adapted into an anime with a censored that was broadcasted on YouTube as well as Nico Nico Douga and an uncensored version broadcasted in Japan on Tokyo MX with production by Studio Hokiboshi and Comet Company. In 2021, Ascendant Animation announced that The Titan's Bride will receive an English Dub released during the summer.
Kouichi starts his day off leaving school with a big farewell from his other club members. When he gets home, he hears a voice calling to him, next thing he knows he is surrounded by giants. One of whom declares that Kouichi is going to be his bride.
Kouichi Mizuki[]
A former Senior High School Student at Touou and captain of the Basketball Club. He has left the basketball club to focus on his tests to get into college, feeling that he was burdening his uncle. Despite being summoned to another world, he says it is impossible to believe the fantastical story Caius is telling him, and more impossible for him to become his wife. Startled at first with the situation, he feels Caius has been really nice to him, but marriage should be between two people who truly love one another, aware that Medina still loves Caius and bearing that in mind for his decision. He later learns that Medina is trying to get a reaction from Caius and him. Character Article: Kouichi Mizuki
Caius Lao Bistail[]
The first prince of the titan country, Tildant. Observing Kouichi in his world, he proclaims he has found his wife. Whilst he says it is fate, it is the first time he has seen something so cute in Kouichi. He was knowledgeable enough to be aware of summoning magic that had been long lost and was determined not to give up until he had learned it. Caius also showed strong ambition and promised he would have both the king's and his beloved's throne. Whilst he notes the difference between himself as a titan and Kouichi as a dwarf, Caius states their gender is even less important. What is important to him is the love a married couple share between them and their willingness to face the world together. With his other siblings taking over their chosen duties, Caius attends to political affairs. Character Article: Caius Lao Bistail
Medina Nall Rosas[]
Caius's childhood friend and former ex-fiancé who has been living in a small village in the countryside ever since she lost her place as the next queen due to the prophecy. She supports Kouichi as being the "true" bride for Caius.
Anzu Tanaka[]
As the Basketball Club's team manager, she thanked Kouichi for his efforts. She hopes to see Kouichi outside of the Basketball Club. Kouichi had a crush on Tanaka while thinking about her in bed alone.
Akami Mizuki[]
Kouichi's mother tragically died on her business trip from overworking. Akami watched over Kouichi, despite him knowing the fact that she was gone. Knowing that her son will be happy, Akami smiles and pushes Kouichi into Caius's arms before smiling and leaving for the afterlife.
Kouichi's Father[]
Kouichi's Father and the husband of Akami Mizuki tragically died in a car accident when Kouichi was five years old.
A member of the basketball club and a childhood friend of Kouichi's was able to get help and check up on Kouichi, who caught a terrible cold while he was alone and helpless. Growing up, Jin became best friends with Kouichi after spotting him alone on a swing, and he insisted that he play with him. He would often plead for Kouichi's help when it comes to schoolwork. Upon realizing that Kouichi is no longer with him, Jin sheds tears.
Princess Naiad[]
One of Caius's sisters was mentioned by Medina. She made a brief appearance by thanking Kouichi for the workload. She makes another appearance in the courtroom by supporting Caius and Kouichi's decision to fulfill the foundation of prosperity for the titan race.
Beri Berinal[]
An anthropomorphic tiger beastmen who offers to trade with Caius in search of finding a raisa fruit. He eventually ends up breaking the deal between him and Caius, as several beastmen surround him. Although it is unknown what happened to him in the manga, he is seen applying for a job in the anime.
Palo Barrows[]
An anthropomorphic wolf beastmen who was previously a drifter. He previously worked for Beri and was assigned to steal Kouichi and Caius's belongings, to which he also decides to kidnap Kouichi and insists on holding him for ransom. He was later sealed and marked by Caius because of his punishment and is ordered to find the raisa fruit for Kouichi. After the incident, he works as an assistant for Dr. Martu in Tildant after being kicked out of the town of the beastman and needing a place to stay.
Reycuerdo Carlsin, also known as Rail for short, is a male elf, who's determined to go on a quest of understanding sex. He works as a sex therapist in the town of Alpheine and assists Kouichi and Caius in solving their differences and complications as a couple. He shows proper adequate knowledge about breeding times and periods for certain creatures. He is known for talking non-stop about sex. He keeps a pet slime named Rochrum and uses it for lustful purposes. He is well recognized and thanked by his former and current clients. He is revealed to be dating Dyne.
A mysterious masked titan who serves Rail, after being saved by him. He is shown to be an excellent cook. He originally carried and treasured his beloved sword, where he would later choose to abandon it in a pile of rocks. Although he tries to keep to himself when among other people, he is shown to care about Kouichi by saving his life and addressing him by his name. He is revealed to be dating Rail.
Prince Linus[]
One of Caius's brothers. He appears in court believing that Kouichi is not a suitable bride for the throne and for the titan race. He decides to challenge Kouichi to a trial.
The third prince of Hubbard and one of the bird-people. He is noted to be very laid-back. For Kouichi's bridal quiz, he asks for assistance in helping his little brother hatch from the egg after almost a year.
Story Introduction[]
Kouichi Mizuki is handed a signed basketball by Anzu Tanaka. Other students bid him farewell, and at home Kouichi hears a voice. He is transported to a grand interior setting with a blinding flash of light to find a titan towering over him. Although he is pleased with the successful summoning ceremony, others around him say the prince has summoned a dwarf. Kouichi hears that he has been brought to Eustil, a separate world from where he came from. The titan's name is Caius Lao Bistail, who heard from an oracle that a great disaster would overcome his world if he were bound to someone of Eustil. Consequently, Caius summoned Kouichi to become his wife and bear his children. Caius considers Kouichi's feelings and asks for one month when he shall attempt to make him his bride, or he will send him back to his world.
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