Kasho no Tsuki is a manga written and illustrated by Mari Hirai and published by Melody. It was adapted into a two episode OVA anime series that aired in 1998 and was produced by Tokyo Kids. In 2007, a non-yaoi series titled Mitsuzuki: "Kashou no Tsuki" Gaiden was released.
Kasho no Tsuki is a tale of devotion between two companions -- Arimasu, a shunned shaman born of a human father and a demon-fox mother, and the one he saved as a child: Kagetsu, a member of a mountainous feline tribe, who can choose which sex to become once it mates. After years of lost contact, the two meet again, followed by Kagetsu asking to bear Arimasu's child. The problem? Kagetsu is currently in his male form. Things are complicated when Arimasu is set up for murder, causing the duo to escape back to the mountains of Kagetsu's birth.
- Arimasu
- Kagetsu